Key Features

The UJK Universal Dovetail Jig creates strong dovetail joints with ease and precision. This versatile jig simplifies the process of creating dovetail joints, achieving professional quality dovetails with little effort. It has adjustable features, accommodates six dovetail sizes and angles, including, half blind dovetails, box/ finger joints, through dovetails, sliding dovetails, groove/ housing joints, corner dovetail rebates. UJK Universal Dovetail Jig is British made and it’s robust construction guarantees durability, while the precision alignment ensures that each cut is clean and accurate.

Supplied with three 1/4" shank Axcaliber precision ground TCT router cutters; A matched pair for dovetailing (7 degree dovetail and straight) and a 12.5mm straight cutter.

To order please call us on 99436536 or message us on facebook from below links.